Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

This is one of my all time favorites. 

An epic novel about the women surrounding King Arthur. These women are strong, magical, and determined to mold and shape the world in the ways to keep the goddess and Avalon alive in a world being overtaken with Christians and priests.

It begins with the Lady of the Lake, who desires to place Uther Pendragon on the throne, tricking her sister, Igrane, into becoming Uther's Queen. Together they have 2 children, Morgaine and Arthur, the future High King.

When the children are grown, they are each taken into training. Morgain to Avalon to be a Priestess of Avalon, and Arthur trains with Merlin and must swear an oath to Avalon, to always defend it and it's ways. 

Morgaine falls in love with Lancelot, the Lady of the Lake's son.  However, Lancelot has fallen in love with Gwenhwyfar, not knowing that Arthur, his dear friend, has chosen her to be his queen.  Gwenhwyfar has accepted Arthur but secretly longs for Lancelot.

The match between Gwenhwyfar and Arthur is troubled as he has sworn to protect Avalon and the ways of the goddess, but Gwenhwyfar is a Christian and believes the Goddess to be evil.

All of this is just a part of the story in this tremendous epic novel that spans several decades and generations. I highly recommend it.

There are several books following in this series including "The Forest House", "Lady of Avalon", "Priestess of Avalon", "Ancestors of Avalon", "Ravens of Avalon", and "Sword of Avalon".

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