Friday, June 12, 2020

Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

This is an absolutely delicious Gothic novel.

A vampire named Louis tells a reporter about his 200 year long life story.

After the death of his wife, Louis was devastated and has a wish to end his life. One night he encounters Lestat, a vampire who longs for a companion. He changes Louis into a vampire to become just that. When Louis discovers that he is changed, he is horrified at the idea of feeding on humans and chooses a diet of animals, much to the amusement and disdain of Lestat. Gradually Louis accepts his nature and begins feeding on humans, but is forever repulsed by the lack of empathy or compassion Lestat shows for humans.

Their "lives" change when Louis finds a young girl crying over the body of her mother whom has died of the plague. Lestat changes this young girl into a vampire "daughter" for them and names her Claudia. Again, Louis is horrified that Lestat would do such a thing, but Louis eventually comes to love Claudia, and both vampires pamper and spoil her with riches and teach her how to be a vampire, which she takes to surprisingly well.

Claudia eventually discovers that she will never grow up, never be a woman, is forever a little girl and becomes hysterical and angry. She and Louis decide to part ways with Lestat, "killing" him. They leave to travel the globe in search of more of their own kind.

However, it is not so easy to kill a vampire... and Lestat isn't finished with his "family" just yet.

Book one in the Vampire Chronicles, it is a thrilling novel, traveling the globe over many years with wonderfully creepy characters, I highly recommend it.

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