Friday, August 7, 2020

The German Midwife by Mandy Robotham

 I thoroughly enjoyed this book. 

Germany. 1944. Anke is a young woman in a Nazi work camp, imprisoned for being a midwife who was willing to help pregnant Jewish women, despite a Nazi policy to end Jewish reproduction. 

In the camp, she continues her work, desperately trying to help her fellow imprisoned and pregnant camp mates to keep them and their babies alive despite their terrible neglect and horrid treatment.

Because of her compassion and skilled work as a midwife, she is noticed and chosen to be the midwife for Eva Braun, who is pregnant with the Fuhrer's child.

Despite Anke's disdain for Hitler and the Nazi party, she is surprised that she develops a friendship with Eva, who is naively in awe of and in love with Hitler.

Anke is faced with a tremendously difficult decision. Does she continue to help Eva and in doing so, help the Reich that she loathes? Or, should she, could she?, sacrifice an innocent baby in order to keep Hitler from spawning an heir?


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