Monday, November 9, 2020

All the Light We Cannot See, an incredible novel By Anthony Doerr

This is the story of two teenagers, on opposite sides, during world war 2.

Marie-Laure is a young blind French woman who lives with her father, the locksmith for the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. When she lost her sight as a child, he built her an incredibly detailed model to scale of the city, which she used to memorize her surroundings and gain her independence.

Werner is an orphan in Germany whom, after finding an old radio, becomes intensely interested in electronics and discovers a unique ability and talent working with radios.

When Marie-Laure is forced to hide in her attic, keeping safe a treasure that her father left in her safekeeping when he was arrested, she starts sending messages on her radio to help the resistance.

On the other side of the war, Werner falsifies his age in order to join the German army believing that it is the right thing to do and the safest place to be and his best change at becoming a scientist. Werner's talent with radios earns him a degree of importance to the German army and soon he is put to work searching for resisters who use radio transmissions to rebel against the Nazi's.

Eventually, Werner is hunting Marie-Laure's broadcasts that continue to assist the resistance and while his goal is to stop the anti-Nazi broadcasts, the officers above him are also in pursuit of the treasure that Marie-Laure protects, an incredible diamond called The Sea Of Flames.

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