Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Witch in Time, a magical novel by Constance Sayers

Three people, one curse, several lifetimes.

1895, Juliet, a 16 year old girl in France, has a love affair with Marchant, a married painter. When her mother finds out not only about the affair, but that Juliet is pregnant and Marchant has left her, she places a curse on them both. She also includes a demon named Varner, whom she charges with maintaining her curse and keeping an eye on Juliet. However, due to inexperience, she botches the curse and dooms the three of them to re-live the affair over and over throughout time while Varner watches and slowly falls in love with Juliet, heartbroken to watch her devastation in each life when Marchant leaves her. 

In each life they are different people with no memories but meeting their counterparts and reliving the basic same love stories of their past lives, living and dying over and over. 

One day, the second "Juliet" starts to have strange memories that she can't explain. She learns a bit about a possible past life... and then dies. The third "Juliet" similarly has odd memories of two past lives and learns even more before she too dies.

In each life, she learns more until she makes a final discovery that changes all three involved in the curse.

Not a literary masterpiece, but a unique story nonetheless.

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