Saturday, March 13, 2021

Caps for Sale, a story by Esphyr Slobodkina

This was a favorite book of mine as a kid, and reading it later in life to my own kids, I discovered a new appreciation for it.

It does not have a "lesson" or "moral". It is simply a cute, entertaining tale with beautiful illustrations.

It is the story of a peddler who sold caps. He has a unique way of carrying his merchandise, he wears ALL of the caps all at once upon his head in a tall stack and steadily and carefully walks around offering his caps for sale.
One day, he stops under a shady tree to take a rest and falls asleep. When he wakes up, his caps are gone! While asleep, a bunch of monkey quietly descended from the tree and took the caps from the peddler and put them upon their own heads.

Will he ever get them back?? Read and see....


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