Thursday, March 18, 2021

This Tender Land, an epic novel by William Kent Krueger

Minnesota, 1932. Orphaned brothers, 12-year-old Odie O'Banion and his older brother Albert, live at the Lincoln Indian Training School. Run by cruel people, it was a difficult and unhappy place to live.

Together, they rescue another orphan, a little girl named Emily, and along with their best friend Mose, they run away to find a better life by jumping into a canoe and heading down the Minnesota River in hopes of finding their long lost Aunt Julia.

During their travels, the encounter many adventures such as being kidnaped and forced to work on a farm, joining a religious traveling revival group where they befriend Sister Eve, only to discover that she is a fraud. Next they wound up in a camp full of people down on their luck, living in poverty, during the depression. There, Odie falls in love with a girl named Maybeth, and becomes friends with her struggling family. When Maybeth and her family move on, Odie is heartbroken and they continue their journey but needing funds, they end up working in a restaurant for a woman named Gertie. When Odie decides that it is time to continue the  quest to find their aunt, Albert and Emily decide that they are happy and want to stay. Sad but determined, Odie continues on by himself. When he finally finds his aunt, he is shocked to discover not only that she runs a brothel, but she is actually their mother, not their aunt.

Will they ever be reunited and find the home they had all been looking for?

Full of great characters, lush settings, and wild adventures, this is a captivating story.

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