Sunday, April 25, 2021

Alexander and the Magic Mouse by Martha Sanders

A favorite from my childhood, not just as a good story, but also due to it's incredible illustrations.

Alexander and the Magic Mouse is the story of an nice old lady who lives high up on a hill, the only hill around, above a small town and a river. She lives with her exotic friends... a Brindle London Squatting Cat, A Magical Mouse, a Yak and an Alligator names Alexander. 

Even thought the cat was always trying to catch the Magical Mouse (he never succeeded because she would make herself invisible), and Alexzander was sad that people in town were always afraid of him (when he tried to smile at them, they could only focus on his teeth!) they all generally got along and lived together happily on the hill.

One day, the magical mouse told the old lady that it was going to rain for a whole month, so they all pitched in to make sure they had food and tea and fire wood and books and games to last the month and planned a cozy time of it. Then it occurred to the lady that the small town at the bottom of her hill might be swept away by the river if it rained for a month!

The only one able to make it through the pouring rain and flooding was Alexander. With a note in his mouth from the lady to the mayor, he made his way to the town, but no one would read his note as they were all too frightened of him! What would happen to the town if he couldn't get a townsperson to help him warn the mayor?

Hmmm. Read and see. 

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