Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Land Girls by Victoria Purman

Melbourne, Australia. 1942. This is the story of three women whose lives were forever changed by World War 2.

Flora is a spinster who cares for her father and brother.

Betty is 17 when her beloved enlists.

Lillian is from a wealthy and well to do overbearing family and she desires to do something completely on her own.

All three women, coming from cities, join the The Australian Women's Land Army (AWLA) training to become "Land Girls", the military's effort to put women to work on farms and in orchards to keep the food supply going for the country and the war effort. This was often back breaking work, but these women were happy to do their bit for the war, discovering confidence and freedom in their work, as well as finding love and creating long lasting friendships.

thoroughly enjoyed the characters and was sad as they were dealt blows and rejoiced with them when things went well.

I have read many novels about women during WW2, but this was a new perspective for me, never having heard of the "Land Girls" or much about the war from the Australian perspective. It was very interesting.

"It was never just a man's war..."

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